Gamma Phi Society

After decades of research, I can confidently say the seminal concept for the formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the creation of the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, which was founded around 1833.

In 1840, the society became the Adelphian Society, a lineal descendant of the Delphic Society at the University of Rochester. 

The society at Rochester, founded in 1850, is the predecessor organization to the Delphic Society established in 1871 at SUNY Geneseo.

Today, the society formed at Geneseo is known as the Delphic Fraternity (Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau Fraternity.)

For more information about the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, visit:

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The Delphic Fraternity History Project site highlights historical figures connected to the Delphic Fraternity, which was originally formed as a literary society. The Delphic Society was founded in 1871 at the Geneseo State Normal School in New York. 

Though founded in 1871, the fraternity can trace its lineage to the Gamma Phi Society formed around 1833 at Colgate University. The society at Colgate was then incorporated into the Adelphian Society. A few Adelphian Society members relocated to the University of Rochester and formed the Delphic Society at Rochester, a predecessor organization to the Delphic Society at Geneseo, which today is the Delphic Fraternity. 

The History Project provides insight into the lives of some of the Founding Fathers of the Delphic Fraternity.

The Delphic Fraternity was founded in 1871 in Geneseo, NY, reestablished in 1987 in New Paltz, NY, with history dating back to 1833 in Hamilton, NY. The seminal concept for the future formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University. Gamma Phi was founded sometime around 1833 and in 1840 it was incorporated into the Adelphian Society. In 1850, Adelphian members at Colgate transferred to the newly formed University of Rochester and founded the Delphic Society.

After decades of research, I can confidently say the seminal concept for the formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the creation of the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, which was founded around 1833.

In 1840, the society became the Adelphian Society, a lineal descendant of the Delphic Society at the University of Rochester. 

The society at Rochester, founded in 1850, is the predecessor organization to the Delphic Society established in 1871 at SUNY Geneseo.

My UPDATED Puerto Rican DNA Results - I am 60% European, 21% Native American, 18% African, and 1% Middle Eastern. For more info, click here.

Dr. Frank E. Welles was the Superintendent of the Utica City School District in Utica, NY and a 23-year faculty member of the Geneseo State Normal School (today SUNY Geneseo.) Frank E. Welles is a founding father of the Delphic Fraternity and was elected the organization’s first president in 1871. For more information on Frank E.

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I am a native New Yorker of Puerto Rican descent who is a genealogist, blogger, and historian for a multicultural fraternity.
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