Gamma Phi Society

After decades of research, I can confidently say the seminal concept for the formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the creation of the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, which was founded around 1833.

In 1840, the society became the Adelphian Society, a lineal descendant of the Delphic Society at the University of Rochester. 

The society at Rochester, founded in 1850, is the predecessor organization to the Delphic Society established in 1871 at SUNY Geneseo.

Today, the society formed at Geneseo is known as the Delphic Fraternity (Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau Fraternity.)

For more information about the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, visit:

#GammaPhiSociety #AdelphianSociety#DelphicSociety #DelphicFraternity = #DelphicDNA


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The Delphic Fraternity History Project site highlights historical figures connected to the Delphic Fraternity, which was originally formed as a literary society. The Delphic Society was founded in 1871 at the Geneseo State Normal School in New York.

The Delphic Fraternity was founded in 1871 in Geneseo, NY, reestablished in 1987 in New Paltz, NY, with history dating back to 1833 in Hamilton, NY. The seminal concept for the future formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University.


After decades of research, I can confidently say the seminal concept for the formation of the Delphic Fraternity was the creation of the Gamma Phi Society at Colgate University, which was founded around 1833.

My UPDATED Puerto Rican DNA Results - I am 60% European, 21% Native American, 18% African, and 1% Middle Eastern. For more info, click here.


Dr. Frank E. Welles was the Superintendent of the Utica City School District in Utica, NY and a 23-year faculty member of the Geneseo State Normal School (today SUNY Geneseo.) Frank E. Welles is a founding father of the Delphic Fraternity and was elected the organization’s first president in 1871.

#PuertoRican #DNA - 26% Spanish, 20% Native American (Taino), 18% African (16% Nigerian) and then some ...

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El Voto Hispano: The Documentary

In 2050, one in three Americans will be of Latino origin. In 2014, Hispanics will not only influence, they will in some cases decide the outcome of key congressional races that will determine the balance of power in Congress.


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New Year's Eve Event - Bogota Latin Bistro & Mojito Bar Restaurant Park Slope Brooklyn New York

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Hello everyone. I hope 2011 has been good for your thus far.

The new year brings a new design theme to Velez's View. Check it out and feel free to provide any feedback.

After hosting this site on Blogger for almost seven years, I have decided to move it over to a self-hosting WordPress site. This took a great deal of research, time, and effort.


Puerto Rico’s history of immigration may make Boricuas the most ethnically diverse people of the Caribbean. Puerto Ricans know about the three main ethnic backgrounds that make-up the Puerto Rican people: the indigenous Taíno Indians, Spaniards, and Africans.


Last year I posted an entry of My Favorite Latino Blogs and thought I would revisit the topic for 2010. The blogs mentioned in the 2009 post are still great ones so I recommend checking them out if you have not done so already.


With more than 45 million Americans uninsured, health care reform must become a reality. No matter what the obstacle, Americans deserve access to adequate affordable health coverage. Conservatives are trying to scare everyone into thinking the health care reform issue is dead.


José Enrique Serrano, a New York politician who has represented Bronx residents and Boricuas for more than 35 years, is presently the most senior Member of Congress of Puerto Rican descent.


Last January I really started promoting this blog online. Before that time it was mainly just a place for my personal writing. It has sure come along nicely. Thanks to everyone that follows it and has left a comment or two along the way.


Tonight I attended the New York City vigil and memorial service for Jorge Steven López Mercado. His horrific and senseless murder has been covered by My Feet Only Walk Forward and Blabbeando. Below are three pictures taken at the West Side Piers off Christopher Street on Sunday, Nov. 22nd.


A network of Latino leaders has been assembled to ensure an accurate count of all Latinos in the 2010 United States Census. Over 30 national and regional Latino organizations and hundreds of individuals in the U.S. and Puerto Rico have joined forces to create the Latino Census Network.


The Society of the Educational Arts, Inc. (SEA) is co-sponsoring the Borimix Festival '09 with a visual arts exhibit opening Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7pm at the galleries of the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center.

Things are getting pretty hot down in Puerto Rico. Late last month a union worker threw an egg at the Commonwealth's Governor Luis G. Fortuño. The egg incident was in response to massive government layoffs.


Brooklyn-born Puerto Rican/Norwegian poet Lemon Andersen’s County of Kings is a one man show being presented by Spike Lee and the Culture Project. The show will begin its New York City run at The Public Theater on Monday, October 12th, however special-priced previews became available yesterday.


A recent CNN article notes that 45,000 American deaths can be associated to a lack of health insurance. American citizens living in Puerto Rico are disproportionately affected by these deadly statistics.


So it's finally here. If you are a registered Democratic living in NYC, tomorrow is the big day. Polls open at 6am and close at 9pm. Read my previous post to locate information on your candidates.


The Democratic Primary Election in New York City is just about two weeks away.


The entire nation is watching the healthcare reform debate. Some say the government should not have any further control over healthcare.


This weekend it became official. After much debate, speculation, and controversy, Bronx-born Boricua Sonia Sotomayor was sworn-in as the first Latina United States Supreme Court Justice. Sotomayor will become the 111th person and only the third woman to sit on the highest court of the land.


I’ve always been interested in politics. I’m a lifelong Democrat and have not seriously considered voting otherwise. I’ve never voted for Michael Bloomberg and do not plan to vote for him this fall.


My friend DJ published a new twist on the crime novel entitled All the Way Gone. DJ has dreamt of being a writer for 25 years and has some short stories published. However he ran into obstacles in getting his novel published and decided to do so on his own.

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has seen its economy steadily decline prior to the global economic crisis and will likely continue to suffer after others see signs of recovery.

Puerto Rico has a history of economic problems. The Puerto Rican government is much poorer than the poorest U.S.


I also run a fraternity blog. I am a strong supporter of the social fraternity and sorority movement in the U.S. If you come across an interesting fraternity or sorority related story that sheds a positive light on the Greek community, please feel free to pass it along.

Urban Latino Magazine & The Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre presents Boogie Rican Blvd., a musical showcasing a family's struggle between Latino tradition and the modern-day values taught on the streets of the Boogie Down Bronx.

Today, while glancing through the Twitterverse, I saw a mention of me in a reference to Latino GLBT blogs. I thought it was cool, but also quite interesting since my blog is not GLBT specific.

About Phil Velez
About Phil Velez
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I am a native New Yorker of Puerto Rican descent who is a genealogist, blogger, and historian for a multicultural fraternity.
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